Statue of Liberty Excursions: Explore Ellis Island on a Trip to New York

View of Statue of Liberty and downtown New York City

If you've booked a Canada and New England cruise, you're lucky for a number of reasons. Not only will you be spending several days visiting some of the most scenic destinations in the U.S., but you may also have a chance to visit one of the best cities in the world, New York.

The only downside to booking shore excursions in New York is that there's simply so much to see and do that you cannot possibly hope to cover everything in one day. However, the density of quality attractions in the city means that there won't be a dull moment during your visit.

Many families originally came to America through Ellis Island, and if your family was among these, it's an absolute must-see. Explore Ellis Island and gain insight into what the millions of passengers experienced when they saw America for the first time. You should definitely do a bit of research beforehand on your family's history and see if you can learn the names of anybody who came through Ellis Island. Once you get there, the museum has a computer where you can look up ancestors and find their name engraved on the massive wall in the building's courtyard.

A good choice to pair with Ellis Island are Statue of Liberty excursions to explore the first site that many immigrants saw when coming to the country. This beacon of hope in the middle of the harbor is something that definitely needs to be seen up close. You can actually go inside the statue and ascend to the top, something that wasn't possible a few years ago, as it was closed until 2009 in the wake of the September 11th attacks. Now featuring improved security, this is an experience that everyone should try to do while in the Big Apple.

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