Enjoy the Sweet Air of Asia in Inchon, South Korea

Inchon, South Korea

With the summer upon us, millions of people across the globe are beginning to plan out their warm weather excursions. Yet while many of us may feel compelled to head to familiar tourist destinations like Orlando or New York to enjoy the season, others are more interested in exploring the world at large once the mercury starts rising. Now is the perfect time to book an Asian cruise and see what life on the other side of the globe is like, and there may be no finer destination to get a taste of the Far East than Inchon, South Korea.

Also known as Incheon, Inchon is an amazing city located in Northwestern Korea that will provide you with a glimpse into Asian life unlike any other. The city was built around the Jemulpo port in 1883 and has now grown into a bustling metropolis that is home to more than 2.76 million people and a center for the country's shipping and travel industries.

If you're hoping to come home with a number of exciting souvenirs, then a visit to Wolmido Street and the Sinpo Market are a must. This shopping Mecca lies along the coast, making it great for a seaside stroll or an afternoon spent perusing the wares of local merchants and designers, as well as fresh fish and vegetables from nearby farms. The Wolmido area has also become a popular spot for romantic rendezvous, so you may want to slip into one of the many exotic cafes for a snack with the one you love in this spot.

If you're more interested in Korean culture, then book a trip to Gyeonbok Palace and Folklore Museum. Housed in the eponymous palace, which was built in 1394, Gyeonbok features a number of sprawling exhibit halls that detail the history of the country from as far back as the Neolithic Era. The palace itself is worth the visit, as it was the largest imperial dwelling of the Chousen Dynasty and remains remarkably well-preserved.

The DMZ, or Demilitarized Zone, is a must if you are like to keep up with current events in the region. This area forms the border between North and South Korea, and offers many interesting artifacts of the events that helped shape this nation. You can visit the third tunnel to see a piece of military history or Imkingak Park to view a memorial to those who lost their lives during the Korean War. View Asia cruises.

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