Tour Québec on a Canada Cruise

Québec City, Canada.

Arriving in Québec City on a Canada cruise will make you feel like you just stepped into a port somewhere in Europe. From its intricate architecture to its many museums and its vibrant art and music scene, the city stands as a living, breathing testament to its heritage.

When you tour Québec, you will see that a French influence is infused into every aspect of Québec culture and cuisine — French is even the city's official language. Yet the province is uniquely its own, boasting subtle aspects of the English and Canadian cultures that brought it to where it is today. To truly appreciate the complexity of historic Québec, you'll want to learn more about its roots.

Québec: A Brief History

The Iroquoian settlement that would become Québec City was discovered by French explorer Jacques Cartier in the 16th century, and founded as a colony of New France by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. Through the Treaty of Paris, Britain gained temporary control over the city in 1763, but it was eventually returned to French civil law.

During the American Revolutionary War, General Richard Montgomery and Colonel Benedict Arnold both attempted to take control of Québec. Instead, the Battle of Québec became the first major defeat for the Americans.

From its early days, Québec has experienced no shortage of chaos and celebration. The 1929 stock market crash brought devastation, and World War II saw an economic revival. In the 1960s, the Quiet Revolution sparked a host of social and economic developments, including the secularization of society. During its first World's Fair in 1967, Québec captured global attention and created a lasting legacy.

Québec Today

When you tour Québec City on your Canada cruise, you will see and feel the many cultures that make up this fascinating city. Take some time to appreciate the identity Québec has crafted over the years, and make some brand new memories of your own. View Canada & New England cruises.

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